
Showing posts from May, 2023

Change Management 101

Hi there, earlier today, as I planned out my week, a sense of unease washed over me as I anticipated the intensity that lies ahead.  Tomorrow, I start a new role as a Civics Reporter with the local newspaper—a profession mostly unfamiliar to me. Additionally, I've committed to creating and delivering a presentation on the practical application of AI models in Career Consulting. Along with the leadership team, I'll be presenting to the around 50 colleagues, some significantly more advanced on the topic than me. And finally, I continue to navigate regular clients, with around 20 meetings planned. Yet, as I confront and organise my commitments, they begin to appear more manageable. I think the act of mapping out tasks gives me a sense of structure and reassurance, and allows me to develop a mental plan on tackling each one. And then I realise that the real underlying tension is the imminent transition from freelancer to part-time employee. As a freelancer, I enjoy the freedom and

Kindness, to Yourself

Hi there, we've all been there - someone says or does something that's an ouch, and we spend the next 5 or 6 hours, perhaps 5 or 6 days, in a derailed spiral where all we can think about is the slight, blowing it out of proportion and manufacturing past and future conversations to repay the transgression. Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die'     - Malachy McCourt (Actor Writer and Pub Owner) As a career counseller, barely a day goes that I'm not (hopefully gently) guiding a client back to some form of perspective, out of that spiral by reminding them to speak to themselves with some compassion and kindness - using the same tone that they'd use to speak to their pets, or a child who has had a hard day on the planet. There are times I too find myself howling at the moon; when my emotional fragility snowballs some innocuous aside from a friend into a personal insult. In a moment of clarity I pull myself together by speaking softly a